press - Takáts nyakában a Brazilian Open Acro Championships aranya

Pal Takats wins the 2010 Brazilian Open Championships.

EXTREM:HU - Takáts nyakában a Brazilian Open Acro Championships aranya

Takáts Pál műrepülő siklóernyős fenomén megnyerte a brazil nemzeti bajnokság első futamát.

Viaes - Campeonato de Parapente é sucesso em Presidente Kennedy

Pal Takats wins 2010 Brazilian Open Championships.

Bors - Csak külföldön arat a zuhanó filmet

Hungarian newspaper about the successes of the Adrenaline and Turbulence film. - TOP 2009: Íme a sikló- és ejtőernyős sztorik listája

The top stories of 2009 from the world of the hungarian sky-diving and paragliding scene.

Thermik Magazine - Diverse pictures

Gábor and Pál on diverse pictures in Germany's most popular paragliding magazine (1/2 2010 issue).
- New paragliders: U-Turn Thriller
- Pictures of the Red Bull X-Alps 2009: Pál at the start in Salzburg

Örökmozgó Cinema - Adrenaline and Turbulence

Projection of the Adrenaline and Turbulence movie in the Örökmozgó Cinema, Budadpest. - Adrenaline and Turbulence filmvetítés hétfőn

About the Adrenaline and Turbulence movie and it's upcoming projection in Örökmozgó cinema, Budapest.

Skywings Magazine - Adrenaline and turbulence: A Champion's Story on DVD

Introducing the film Adrenaline and Turbulence.

Video - B.A.S.E.O.

justACRO Team seeking a new art of flying...
BASE jumping from tandem paraglider.

B.A.S.E.O. from justACRO on Vimeo.

Cross Country Magazine - U-Turn Thriller

Introducing the new U-Turn Thiller acro glider.

Cross Country Magazine - Acro movie wins gold at Coupe Icare

Adrenaline and Turbulence wins the Grand Prix at Coupe Icare's FIlm Festival. - U-Turn Thriller

Presentation of the new Thriller acro glider from U-Turn. - Budapest Boys

The online edition of a deep interview with the justACRO Team published in the Cross Country international paragliding magazine.

Swiss Gliders - Freestyleair 2009

Article in the Swiss Gliders Magazine about the Freestyleair 2009 competition in Beckenried (incl. Swiss Acro Championship).
Pál finished 1st in the overall solo and justACRO Team took 2nd place in synchro category. - «Adrenaline and turbulence», film ganador en St Hilaire 2009

The film Adrenaline and Turbulence wins the Grand Prix at the Coupe Icare festival.

Cross Country Magazine - Front cover

Pál performing a one-handed Infinity Tumbling on the front cover of the biggest international paragliding magazine, the Cross Country. - Adrenaline and turbulence wins the Coupe Icare D'Or at Saint Hilaire!

Adrenaline and turbulence wins the Grand Prix at the Coupe Icare Film Festival!

Südwest Presse - Die Neckarquelle - "Überflieger" von U-Turn

Article about Pál's acro show over the Europa-Park (the biggest amusement park in Europe) during the 10th International Balloon Festival.

Südwest Presse - Die Neckarquelle - Spektakuläres im Europapark

Article about Pál and advertisement of his upcoming acro show over the Europa-Park (the biggest amusement park in Europe) during the 10th International Balloon Festival.

Südwest Presse - Die Neckarquelle - Takats: Herr der Lüfte

Article about Pál and advertisement of his upcoming acro show over the Europa-Park (the biggest amusement park in Europe) during the 10th International Balloon Festival.

Freizeitpark-Welt - Bunte Farbkleckse am spätsommerlichen Himmel

Europa-Park announces the International Balloon Festival and the upcoming show of Pal Takats.

Europa-Park - Bunte Farbkleckse am spätsommerlichen Himmel

Europa-Park announces the International Balloon Festival and the upcoming show of Pal Takats.

The explorer - Szárnyakkal az Alpok felett

10 pages about the Red Bull X-Alps 2009 and the hungarian participant Pál Takáts.

Sportpiac - Győztes magyar film a svájci hegyi filmfesztiválon

"Hungarian film won the swiss mountain film festival"

An article about the movie Adrenaline and Turbulence and its award-winning at the Le Diablerets film festival in Switzerland (Best Extreme Sport Film).

CKM - Mennyi? 30?

Article of the Red Bull X-Alps 2009 and Pál's performance in the competition.

Sportpiac - Red Bull X-Alps 2009

Article about the Red Bull X-Alps 2009 and Pál's performance in the competition.

Cross Country Magazine - DVD Review: Adrenaline and Turbulence

DVD review of the Adrenaline and Turbulence film.

Thermik Magazine - Die Herbstzeitlosen

A synchro spiral picture in an article about flying in autumn in the Thermik german paraglider magazin.

Metro - Halló...

A short interview with András Kollmann - director- about the movie Adrenaline and Turbulence and its latest award-winning at the Le Diablerets film festival in Switzerland.

Le Regional - Le rendez-vous des fous volants

Article about the Sonchaux Acro Show 2009 in Villeneuve, Switzerland - Magyar film nyert a svájci hegyi filmfesztiválon

"A hungarian film won the best extreme sport film award in Switzerland at Le Diablerets"

Metropol Sport - Siklóernyővel és gyalog

A short interview about the Red Bull X-Alps 2009.

Metro - Halló...

Short interview with Pál after the finish of the Red Bull X-Alps 2009 in a free, popular daily newspaper. - Red Bull X-Alps 2009 - Takáts Pál 8. lett

"Red Bull X-Alps 2009 - Pál Takáts finished 8th"

CKM Online - Véget ért az X-Alps

"The Red Bull X-Alps has ended"

Repülnijó.hu - Véget ért a Red Bull X-Alps

"The Red Bull X-Alps has ended" - Siklóernyővel átrepülte az Alpokat

Short article close to the end of the Red Bull X-Alps 2009, explaining that Pál probably soon arrived to Monaco :-) - Siklóernyővel átrepülte az Alpokat

Takáts Pali alig tudott megszólalni a fáradtságtól, amikor napok után végre akadt pár nyugodt perce.

Nyárilap - Siklóernyővel repülte át az Alpokat a magyar Takáts Pál

"Takáts Pál crossed the Alps with his paraglider" - Red Bull X-Alps

"Pál Takáts is currently in 8th position in the world's most well-known paragliding competition..." - Christian Maurer crossed the Alps in 9 days!

"Flying from the middle of the Alps to the ocean has long been my dream" Maurer said, just after landing. "And I did it!" - Takáts Pál alvás nélkül repgyalogol át az Alpokon

Article on the biggest hungarian online extreme sports portal on the 5th day of the Red Bull X-Alps 2009.

CKM Online - Hegymenet - 8. nap

Short article on the 8th day of the Red Bull X-Alps about the actual situation, Chrigel is getting close to goal.

CKM Online - Folytatódik az X-Alps

"The X-Alps continues, Pál in 9th position"

Repülnijó.hu - Red Bull földön, levegőben

"Red Bull on the ground and in the air"
Presentation of the Red Bull X-Alps and other events. - Magyar résztvevő a Red Bull X-Alpson

"Hungarian participant in the Red Bull X-Alps" - Rákenroll a Dolomitokban!

"Rock'n roll in the Dolomites!"

A report and interview with Páll around the 4th day of the Red Bull X-Alps 2009, near Bolzano in Italy.
