
La Tarde - El mejor parapentismo del mundo está en Roldanillo

Pal visiting Colombia

El Pais - Copa Mundo Ilena de colorido a Roldanillo

Pal visiting Colombia

La tarde - Adrenalina y color en las alturas

Pal visiting Colombia

Cross Country magazin - La Esfera

Esfera - a brand new acro maneuver invented by Pal Takats

Red Bulletin - A telhetetlen világjáró

Pal, the insatiable globetrotter

Libero magazin - ESFERA

Esfera - a brand new acro maneuver invented by Pal Takats

Hang Gliding & Paragliding magazin - Infinity Tumbling

Tandem Infinity Tumbling World Premier

Volo Libero - Nasce Esfera: la manovra acro assoluta con il parapendio!!!

Esfera - a brand new acro maneuver invented by Pal Takats

Lotnicza Polska - ESFERA - nowa figura akrobacyjna

Esfera - a brand new acro maneuver invented by Pal Takats

Polish paragliding portal - ESFERA - nowa figura akrobacyjna

Esfera - a brand new acro maneuver invented by Pal Takats

ESPN Brazil - Esfera and Tandem Infinity

Esfera - a brand new acro maneuver invented by Pal Takats

EXTREM.HU - Red Bull X-Alps 2011: kemény fiúk kemény menetelése

Közzétették a Red Bull X-Alps versenyzőinek névsorát. A harminc akcióhős jövő nyáron Salzburgból indul, a cél: Monte Carlo. Siklóernyővel és futva mennek. A magyar ernyős fenomén, Takáts Pál - egészségügyi okok miatt - nem nevezett.
A magyar siklóernyős fenomén, Takáts Pál tavaly a nyolcadik helyet szerezte meg. Takátsot a szakmai közvélemény abszolút esélytelennek tartotta, a világkupa-győztes műrepülő pilótáról nem hitték, hogy távrepülésben is jó.
Takáts a kiemelkedően jó szereplés ellenére nem nevezett a következő versenyre.

Parapente Mag - Le'infinity en bi!

Tandem Infinity Tumbling World Premier in the biggest French Magazine.

Cross Country Magazine - Acro World

Pál Takáts' own article in the biggest international paragliding magazine about how to learn acrobatics. - New acro paragliding move: the ESFERA

Esfera - a brand new acro maneuver invented by Pal Takats

Italian Paragliding - Nasce Esfera: la manovra acro assoluta con il parapendio!!!

Esfera - a brand new acro maneuver invented by Pal Takats.

Numerous websites worldwide - Esfera - the new acro trick invented by Pal Takats

Esfera - a brand new acro maneuver invented by Pal Takats

ESFERA - new acro trick by Pal Takats

Paramotor Magazine - Parabatix Sky Races

Article of the first ever Parabatix Sky Race in Montauban, France.

Parabatix Sky Races - DVD Trailer

Thermik Magazin - Tandem Infinity Tumbling

6 pages article about the Tandem Infinity Tumbling World Premier.

Alaturka - Pal Takats - begnadeter Acropilot

An article about Pal Takats.

Thermik Magazin - Acro Austria World Cup

Article about the Acro Austria Aerobatics Paragliding World Cup event at the Ossiachersee.

12 Türkish websites - Pal Takats' record flight from from Beysehir to Karaman

Pal Takats flown new site record from Beysehir to Karaman during the XCTürkey cross country competition.

Anayurt - Paraşütle Beyşehir’den Karaman’a uçtu

Article about the new site record flown from Beysehir to Karaman during the XCTurkey cross country competition.

KGRt - Paraşütle Beyşehir'den Karaman'a Uçtu

Article about the new site record flown from Beysehir to Karaman during the XCTurkey cross country competition.

Konya World News - Paraşütle Beyşehir’den Karaman’a uçtu

Article about the new site record flown from Beysehir to Karaman during the XCTurkey cross country competition.

Parapente Magazin - Sonchaux, voltige en forme!

Article in the French paragliding magazine about the Sonchaux Acro Show.
Picture with Gabor and Pal making an ACRO-B.A.S.E. cut-away demonstration.

Belge - Beyşehir'den Karaman'a kadar uçtu

Article about the new site record flown from Beysehir to Karaman during the XCTurkey cross country competition.

Cumra Postasi - Paarşütle Beyşehir'den Karaman'a uçtu

Article about the new site record flown from Beysehir to Karaman during the XCTurkey cross country competition.

Konhaber - Beyşehir'den Karaman'a kadar uçtu

Article about the new site record flown from Beysehir to Karaman during the XCTurkey cross country competition.

Acro show - Natural Games, Millau - Live at the Coupe Icare

Online, live reportage from the Coupe Icare Festival.
Pal proudly showing the recent XCmag issue with the Tandem Infinity Tumbling article inside.

RTL Klub, Fókusz - Bukfencet hánytak a levegőben

Tandem Infinity Tumbling spot in the biggest Hungarian TV.

ParaWorld, Japanese magazine - Tandem Infinity Tumbling

Tandem Infinity Tumbling World Premier.

Cross Country Magazine - Infinite Tandem

Tandem Infinity Tumbling World Premier. - Kómából ébredt fel a siklóernyős

Magyarország-Svájc - Hallottam, amikor beszéltek hozzám, éreztem, ahogyan simogattak - így emlékszik a balesete utáni órákra Takáts Pál (27).

Parabatix - Pilots - Pal Takats

Pal Takats as Parabatix 'Sky-Racer'.

Volo Libero - infinity T

Tandem Infinity Tumbling World Premier.

Thermik Magazin - Acrobatixx WorldCup 2010

Paranoia Acrobatixx World Cup 2010
Zell am See, Austria.

Parapente Magazin - Infinity Tumbling en Biplaza

Tandem Infinity Tumbling World Premier.

Airborn - Infinity Tandem

Tandem Infinity Tumbling World Premier. - 50-szer álltak fejre a magyar siklóernyősök

Tandem Infinity Tumbling World Premier.

Blikk - 50-szer álltak fejre

Tandem Infinity Tumbling World Premier.

The Sun - Pilots glide into record books

Tandem Infinity Tumbling World Premier.

Süd Kurier - Ein Schleuder-Traum im Blau

Tandem Infinity Tumbling World Premier.

Xtremesport4u - Looping with a tandem paraglider…

Tandem Infinity Tumbling World Premier.
