New Chilean open distance record, 304 km flown along the coastline of the Atacama desert in Chile.
Click to read the full article in the Thermik Magazin.
Press related to this project:
Printed media, Germany, 1 March 2012
Front cover foot-dragging the dunes of the Atacama desert in Chile, near Iquique. Self made shot by a camera placed in the wing-tip.
Inside the magazine an 2 pages article about my experiences of the304 km flight along the Atacama's coastline, setting a new Chilean open distance record.
Internet, Worldwide, 12 December 2011
"On December 5, the Hungarian acro pilot managed to complete the longest paraglider flight ever done in the South American country, from near the city of Antofagasta to Iquique following the ridges of the coastline and always below 1100m of altitude."