The Operation - Pál's diary, Episode 2, Part II.

Attention, disturbing content! Surgery to remove the hardware from me!

Best birthday present

Today is another birthday in a hospital...In fact, it is also the 1st anniversary of my new life, since the re-birth from coma! It feels good to be alive!
The operation was 2 days ago but I barely have any pain and can already walk on my own. Will be released tomorrow by midday. Here you can see my birthday present from Dr. Oberthaler. Thanks for all Gerhard, will take you for a flight one day ;-)

It is out :-)

Just had the metal-removal operation in Salzburg! From a Terminator they transformed me back into a human being :-)
I'm really looking forward to be strong and perfectly healthy again soon!

Australia - Pál's diary, Episode 1

The first episode of Pál's diary from "down under"! Enjoy!

Lake Keepit, coaching

The first course is successfully finished, the guys managed some great progression and some of the tows were well over 1000 meter high over Lake Keepit. I managed to get one flight myself with Martin's 20m2 Thriller! It felt good to throw it around a bit! again! The area is awesome, bush and farmland all over the place with kangaroos and all sort of colorful wildlife. Fairly hot, but nothing extreme. Thanks god, because not long ago it was over 50 degrees here! :-)
Yesterday we had a huge thunderstorm with crazy lightnings pretty much full on the whole time, it was spectacular! The next course is going to kick off in Thursday, so it is good to take some rest now!


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